Friday, November 24, 2006


I hope your Thanksgiving was everything you wanted it to be. Ours was exactly what I needed, a quiet day with my family with no trips and only a few fun phone calls. I am hoping for more of the same today!

I took a look at HousingTracker this morning and confirmed that inventory in our Sacramento area is continuing to decline. The inventory for November 20 stood at 15,430 down 200 homes from a week earlier and down 6.8 percent in the last month and 15 percent from three months ago. The reported median asking price of $414,900 is down 1.1 percent in the past month and 3.3 percent from three months ago.

Now that we have officially moved into the holiday season I expect to see the decline in inventory accelerate fewer homes come on the market and sellers consider taking their homes off the market until next year.

If you are searching for a new home consider using my new home search page at I think it is pretty cool and would love to hear your comments.


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