Buying a Home is still a Good Deal
It feels good to have had some milder summer weather the past few days. I hope you have all been able to get back outside and enjoy it. It is hard to believe that July is gone and tomorrow will be August. For us school starts on the 21st and Mikie is starting soccer practice next week. The days and months seem to be moving too quickly!
I have been working with buyers and sellers this past month and have to tell you I wish there were more buyers out there as things have been pretty slow in the Rocklin/Roseville area. Check out my column at Rocklin & Roseville Today, “Buying a Home is still a Good Deal.” If you have the right reasons to buy a home and know you will live there for several years the current market allows buyers time to find the perfect home, negotiate a fair price and get a loan at a reasonably low interest rate.