Getting Warm
Even in a slow downward pointing real estate market like we have here in the Sacramento area you still experience the normal seasonal ups and downs. Just from what we have going on at MagnumOne Realty and the way my phone has been ringing the past few days I can tell we are starting to see a surge of activity. This is exactly what you would expect. We are through the long winter month of January and as we move rapidly through February people are starting to think about spring and making moves they have been thinking about since late last fall.
It feels good, it always feels good after a long stretch of winter rain and the sun comes out to shine and warm the day. I enjoy working with energized people and this is always the time of year when most of us have that feeling of wanting to get things done. Who knows I even started thinking about cleaning out a few cabinets this week. Maybe next week it will be my closet project or even getting my husband, Michael, out in the garage to finally clean it out like he promised. It is still early but I feel a sever attack of “spring fever” coming.
Speaking of doing things, Michael’s daughter and her husband, Kevyn and Dave, were here visiting us from their home in Homer, Alaska and are now doing their annual trip. This year it is back to South America and Peru as the main destination. They left on Monday and we got word from them that they had arrived in Lima after a very long and uneventful flight. They are not great enthusiasts for big cities and from the sounds of the last email, Lima was not their “cup-of-tea” so they have already headed further south to Arequipa. Peru. I think this is a mountainous region and has a beautiful canyon area. I know some of you enjoyed reading their travel blog last year when they were in Argentina so here is the link to this year’s version, “Why can’t you think of a title.”
Labels: Announcement, News
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